Friday, October 4, 2013

Finished Pinch Pot Project

1. The thing I like most about my project is the inside color of my pinch pots. 
2. I learned that I should take my time glazing & evenly coat the glaze also. This will help me on my future projects. 
3. I can improve on glazing my projects & pace myself while doing so & not be in such a rush to finish my projects. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

All About Me

Hi! My name is Barbie and I am attending Bishop Gorman High School as a junior this year. I am currently just taking Ceramics 1. I signed up for ceramics because I thought it would be quite fun, interesting, and exciting to learn how to work with clay. My favorite class other than ceramics would probably be human physiology. I currently do not participate in any extra-curricular activities or sports at BGHS unless the National Honor Society counts, but I definitely plan to join something this upcoming school year. Some non-school related activities I participate in include going to the gym and working out and attending some of the fitness classes at the gym also. A goal I have for this semester is to take a slab of clay and successfully transform it into a beautiful and original art piece.